Postawko In response to an Announcement of Opportunity for the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment Program (GLOBE) this project is designed to meet the GLOBE goals and objectives of linking scientists and schoolchildren in a global information network with the ultimate goal of better understanding the Earth's environment and changes that take place within it. This proposal to GLOBE PHASE II is planning to use GLOBE data in an on-going research program of verification of satellite derived-quantities using surface observations. Measurements to be verified include cloud observations, temperature, moisture, solar radiation, wind speed and wind direction. A secondary, but very important, component of the proposed research program is to utilize GLOBE data to investigate changes in the global hydrological cycle. GLOBE'S contribution to this project will be to provide important data over a number of years in data sparse regions of the world. Because satellites are the environmental tools of the future it is important that students know how they work, and participate in improving the use of satellite data.