In response to an Announcement of Opportunity for the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment Program (GLOBE) this project is designed to meet GLOBE goals and objectives of linking scientists and schoolchildren in a global information network with the ultimate goal of better understanding Earth's environment and changes that take place within it. This proposal represents a partnership between university scientists and educators, teachers and the K-12 classrooms in a large urban area (in this case, the Los Angeles Unified School District) that will provide a science theme based on existing GLOBE protocols and the development of new protocols designed to investigate and understand the complexities of measuring environmental variables (e.g. the existing GLOBE protocols for temperature, precipitation, hydrology, soil characterization, etc.) within an urban microenvironment, and of providing a consistent science curriculum for a highly mobile population. While GLOBE has achieved a wide geographic distribution within the United States, future growth in the program will likely occur within urban areas with issues peculiar to that setting. Urban areas also have the highest school 'dropout' rate from the GLOBE Program (50%, with fewer actually reporting), and this project will identify some of the causes of this serious problem. This proposal will address this programmatic need and provide a model for use in other large urban areas of the United States. |<ú +?+¬ ó ¬ñ«^&¬|&^¬¼+ª^ó|úñ+?+¬ ¬ñ«^&¬|&^¬¼+ª^ó|úñ^|<ú ó ¬ñ«^¬¼¬+^úá¼ñ^|<ú ??+¬ ó <á½¼^¡&ú¼^¡½ñ¬ +?+¬ ó <á½¼^¡&ú¼^&ª( +?+¬ ó <á½¼^¡&ú¼^¼(½& +?+¬ } ^ ó |½^¼?¼ +?+¬ ó ªñ+ú^ó|úñ +?+¬ ó ¬ñ«¬^áúú¬^|+ñ +?+¬ ó ¬ñ«¬^áúú¬^¼»| +?+¬ ó ¬ñ«¬^áúú¬^¼º¬ññ +?+¬ H ^