Wellesley College and Campbell-Kibler Associates will develop and widely disseminate a series of tools to help educators, students, parents and others understand what is and what isn't known about sex differences and similarities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and why misconceptions such as "the male math gene" persist despite their mythical nature. The purpose of the materials and their dissemination is to help STEM advocates become more grounded in the research and to help researchers become more grounded in communication, including ways of framing and communicating their work and the work of other researchers to non research populations.

Materials will include * a synthesis of the research * an online annotated bibliography of research and theory on gender and gender and race/ethnicity issues in STEM education and career choice with links to all publications and other documents that are available online including a short overview of "tips' to finding and assessing research on gender and gender and race/ethnicity and STEM and a tool for computing graphs from raw data * a series of short downloadable audio-visual messages from researchers on those points they believe are most compelling about gender and STEM research * a range of "tools" for getting the message out, including PowerPoint presentations and talking points that can help in communicating research results in ways that allow people to move beyond anecdotes to informed discussion.

Intellectual Merit: The major thrust of this project is to increase the accuracy and intellectual content of discussions, debates and decisions related to gender issues and STEM. The proposed work has the potential to increase understanding of the results of research on sex similarities and differences and on how to use these results in STEM educational policy and program design and decision-making. The project team long time gender and STEM researchers, with backgrounds in research synthesis. The project will produce and disseminate a series of research based materials to increase STEM advocate and researcher knowledge and their ability to communicate that knowledge to non-research populations. Materials will draw on theory, research and practice from the sciences, social sciences, and education.

Broader Impact: There is currently great media interest in this topic, but inaccuracies and stereotypes abound. By providing researchers, advocates, the media and the general internet public with usable, accessible, accurate information and tools to get this information out, this project has the potential to help policymakers, educators and even parents and students make more research based decisions. The project compliments a number of other parallel efforts to synthesize information and will likely boost attention to research.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Human Resource Development (HRD)
Standard Grant (Standard)
Application #
Program Officer
Jolene K. Jesse
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
Wellesley College
United States
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