Goal 1 Increase enrollment in STEM classes by establishing a summer math/science institute for high school juniors and seniors with research interns assisting in the planning, promotion, and implementation of the institute. These participants will serve as feeders to the internship program and to the STEM courses. Further, the interns will work with high school students in the lab setting monthly and become mentors to these students. A Career Day and recruiting of non-traditional students who are working in STEM fields will also assist. Goal 2 Increase retention of Native American graduates from STEM fields through implementation of a series of STEM lectures with lecturers from four-year colleges as well as visits to BCC of former BCC STEM graduates to expose their successes. Key to the success of this goal will be follow-up visits to Montana colleges to trace BCC STEM graduates. Goal 3 Strengthen STEM research infrastructures will involve developing partnerships with institutions/organizations which can do scientific testing for our research when the college lacks the equipment and moving beyond wind energy to alternative energies. The grant will encourage the broadening of research at BCC by BCC STEM faculty becoming more involved in the research activities. This will be accomplished by assisting them in developing a research component to their courses and/or a research capstone course. Goal 4 Improve technology by offering a GPS-GIS summer workshop for BCC students, build a mini math lab for the math department and involved in data collection for both TSET and RSI.