During the last five years, Savannah State University embarked on its most comprehensive program to date to strengthen science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education at the University through the implementation of the Minority Access for Graduate Education and Careers (MAGEC-STEM) program. The program focused on increased enrollment and enhanced teaching and student support services. The new MAGEC-STEM Plus Program will further strengthen the culture of STEM excellence at the University by expanding and deepening our outreach, teaching, and mentoring activities through the following three objectives: 1) Curricular Development, Revision and Enhancement Reform, 2) Expanding Pathways for Undergraduate Recruitment, Enrichment, Retention and Research Experience, and 3) Strengthening the Faculty Development Activities. The program results will be disseminated widely to the community through SSU and program websites and presentations at regional and national/scientific meetings and publications in scientific journals. This program will advance the mission of the University through its provision of high quality degree programs in STEM disciplines that increase the participation of African Americans in higher education.