The goals of Alabama Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (ALSAMP)Senior-Level Alliance project which emphasizes student transitions are to institutionalize many of the previous programs, continue building on the success of the previous project and initiate new programs at critical education junctures in STEM educatin at each individual ALSAMP institution. The achievement of these goals will be accomplished as follows: A. Institutionalization: programs have been identified that will be institutionalized. These include: selected scholarships; drop-in centers; formal mentoring and student tracking. These programs will continue to be included with the project, but at no cost. B. Building on Success: The summer bridge program is the alliance's most successful program, but is implemented at only the lead institution. This program will be expanded and implemented at each partner institution during the proposed project period. Site coordinators will recruit perspective STEM students from high schools. Bridge students will prepare a research project and attend a statewide summer bridge conference. C. New programs - new programs at each ALSAMP institution will include: high school and community college partnerships; community college summer bridge programs; student visitation programs to scientific laboratories at research intensive universities; undergraduate research experiences and the establishment of a LSAMP WIKI for students, faculty and staff. The wiki will be a discussion medium, a repository and mail system that will encourage students and faculty to communicate, collaborate, set up, edit and share materials within the web browser. The site will be ideal for resource materials. Each of the programs described above addresses some student transition point along the educational pathway. Program Dissemination - ALSAMP program activities will be disseminated via the ALSAMP magazine published annually. Each ALSAMP institution will have a section of the magazine to highlight its programs and students, and impact on the community, state and nation. Evaluation: ALSAMP will undergo a rigorous evaluation, both internally and externally. The evaluation plan will focus on program performance, student performance and academic performance indicators.
The proposed summer bridge programs, partnerships and wiki activities are important in advancing knowledge, collaboration and opportunities to maximize the achievement and success of underrepresented STEM students. In addition, the proposed activities are creative with the potential for replication at other institutions. The proposers are experienced and qualified to complete the proposed project.
The proposed activities will advance discovery and understanding while promoting teaching, training, research and learning and, by the nature of the student participants, will broaden participation of underrepresented groups. The infrastructure for research, education, networks and partnerships will be enhanced and project results will be disseminated broadly.