An Advanced Center for Laser Science and Spectroscopy (ACLaSS) is proposed.Three subprojects are included: 1) Laser Spectroscopy and Materials Modeling, 2) Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Application, and 3) Laser Remote Sensing. Laser Spectroscopy and Materials Modeling of Plasmon-Coupled Optical Nanoparticles and Molecules for Photonic Applications: Primary research will be focused on investigating the spectroscopic analysis and electric field enhancement of plasmonic nanoparticles, and the optical properties of semiconductor quantum dots and Raman molecules with plasmonic coupling in the spectral region from visible to MIR for photonic applications including light amplifications, chemical molecular sensing, and nonlinear optical modulations. Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Application: Development of Low-Quantum Defect Gain Media for Eye-Safe Lasers: Development of new laser gain media continues to be an active area of research with a large range of potential applications for the civilian and military sectors. The proposed activities will be focused on developing new gain media with low-quantum defect operating in the eye-safe infrared spectral region of ~1.5-1.7 ìm. Laser Remote Sensing: Atmospheric remote sensing has applications in weather forecasting, global climate change, and provides a better understanding of the troposphere. The proposed work will focus on expanding the capabilities of the current lidar systems to include new atmospheric retrievals and aerosol characterization.