The strategy underlying this project is called "near peer" counseling and mentoring. The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) is establishing a networking model to improve the access of American Indian students to careers in science and technology. The model, cooperatively developed with Montana State University, Northern Arizona University, Clarkson University, the University of New Mexico and New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology will be implemented over a two year period. AISES student chapters at those institutions are the major vehicle in implementing the network and conducting the activities. One of the major accomplishments of AISES has been in sponsoring the establishment of undergraduate student chapters at some 40 colleges and universities around the country. These have played an important role in improving the retention rate of American Indian undergraduate students on those campuses. Project activities during the first year involve mentoring, role modeling, motivating and encouraging American Indian high school students through science and mathematics activities conducted by selected members of each chapter. After appropriate preparation and training by faculty during the first semester, these chapter members make regular second semester visits, initially accompanied by their chapter faculty sponsor, to five predominantly American Indian high schools in the region. They conduct special labs, lead field trips, and hold counseling sessions for students as well as special sessions for parents, teachers, extended family, tribal leaders and school board members. The Indian high school students and their parents are also invited to visit the AISES campus chapters to sit in on university classes and witness a typical day in the life of an American Indian student majoring in science or engineering. During the second year, following a similar schedule, new AISES chapter counselors will be trained and will then repeat the previous year's activities with a new group of high schools and students. At the same time, selected members of the high school students impacted the first year will be trained as counselors for similar activities in elementary and junior high schools serving American Indian students. A computerized tracking system linking AISES, the participating universities and AISES chapters, and the schools into a network for monitoring and evaluation will be established.