This project has been designed for 30 participants representing minority high school students from rural areas of North Carolina. It grew out of the realization that in many rural areas of our nation, particularly the Southern states with low educational budgets, and specifically in North Carolina, there may be few (2-5) minority students in a science class, and the budgets of these schools do not permit the kind of scientific and technical experiences that would motivate these students to careers in science and engineering, regardless of their potential. Whereas urban students can participate in special Saturday or after-school activities, for rural minority science students, their best opportunity comes through Institute experiences such as proposed in this proposal. Specifically, several objectives have been proposed: (1) to identify and recruit thirty (30) minority (black) high school students in North Carolina who possess the attributes and academic potential for pursuing a career in the sciences and engineering; (2) to prepare the targeted students to enter a four-year college, and to pursue a course of study that will lead to entry into a science or engineering career by providing the courses in the basic sciences and mathematics; (3) to provide role models and career counseling by bringing speakers on campus; (4) to stimulate interest in the study of science and engineering by providing "hands-on" laboratory experiences, computer workshops, and field trips; and (5) to provide for the targeted students, an opportunity to explore options available to them in science and engineering, by providing field trips and workshops. Plans are described for a six-weeks program, with M T Th F being devoted to classroom work, W to seminars and field trips, and Sa and Su devoted to cultural awareness experiences. One weakness of the proposal is the lack of involvement of business and industry in providing financial support and opportunities for cultural awareness experiences and industrial trips. No letters of support were found. However, the similarity of the problem in many rural areas could make this a "model."