The initial planning and developmental phase of this project was supported by the Fisher Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation. A steering committee with wide representation from institutions and organizations in the community was appointed. The Steering Committee (organized in task forces) addressed the following areas: The planning process, student enrichment programs, professional development workshops for teachers and administrators, parent involvement programs, and evaluation. From this exercise, the activities currently being implemented (for which NSF support has been provided) include: Student Enrichment Programs (Mathematics Summer Institute, Grades 2- 6; Summer Science Academy, Grades 2-8; Saturday Science Academy, Grades 1-8; Saturday Science Academy, Grades 9-12); College-in-The-Classroom, Grade 12 (an enrichment program for minority students enrolled in a second year of high school chemistry); Professional Development Workshops for Educators; and, Parent Involvement Activities. Measurable Objectives to determine project effectiveness include: o pre- and post-tests and surveys o teacher, student aide, and parent surveys o student surveys and follow-ups %%% Additional funding is being provided or actively sought from Title II Eisenhower Funds, School District Funds, Private Foundations, Corporate Grants, and College and University Funds.