The purpose of the Northeastern University s Conprehensive Regional Center for Minorities is to focus the resource of district educational and industrial organizations on the problem of minority under representastion in science, engineering, and mathematics. NURCRCM are to 1) establish working coalitions among existing programs and institutions to promote systemic changes in the science and mathematics preparation of minority stidemts om grales K-14; 2) establish a requirement that all students must successfully complete algebra by the end of eight grade and preclculus courses by the end of high school; 3) provide extensive in- service training and support for all tgeachers of science and mathematics; 4) ensure that all teachers and students have access to surricula materials and educational technology for science and mathematice appropriate to contemporary applications. The NUCRCM consortium will include the following institutions and groups: Northeastern University, Boston and Cambridge public schools, Roxbury and Bunker Hill Community Colleges, the Biotechnology Process Engineeering Center of MIT, the Boston Museum of Science, Quality Education for Minorities, The Allgebra Project, and the Massachusetts Corporation for Educational Telecommunications We expect Corporate support from Northeastern University's Department of Cooperative Education, Sippican Ocean Systems, Inc., Boston Edison, Corning, American Telephone & Telegraph, General Electric, and Draper Laboratories.