SSC-9450363 Northwestern Univ Evanston, IL Goodnight, Lynn "National High School Institute Engineering, Science & Mathematics Summer Program for Young Teens" The National High School Institute of Northwestern University appeals to the National Science Foundation for support of an exciting new program. The NHSI's Engineering and Science Program for Young Teens, will make it possible for 50 adolesents each year (total of 150) to participate in a five-week, academic program aimed at nurturing their interests in engineering, science and mathematics, free of charge. This program will be piloted in the summer of 1994; we seek NSF funding for 1995, 1996 and 1997. This tuition-free program will be presented June 26-July 30 in 1994 and June 25-July 29, 1995, with other dates TBA. Children entering 7th, 8th and 9th grades will be selected through close communication with the Chicago Public Schoolsand the Chicago Board of Education, with the aim of identifying talented minority children who are economically at-risk. Special aspects of this program include the large pool of needy Chicago children, the strong asset of Northwestern's resources, and the 63-year successful tradition of the national High School Institute. The inter-disciplinary curriculum will include classroom time, lab sessions and research projects, career exploration activities, and field trips. Examples of mini-courses for the first year include "Forensic Science: Chemistry and Crime Solving," "Astronomy and Space Science," and "Computer Programming in C." The Faculty will be drawn from Northwestern University's acclaimed McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science and the College of Arts and Sciences, assisted by eight graduate students. The program will be located at Northwestern University's Chicago and Evanston campuses, with buses picking up the participants from neghborhood locations. Designed to encourage and support these young teens, the program provides opportunities for f ocused learning, peer and family involvement, and career counselling. ***