SSC-9450464 U of Missouri St. Louis, MO Richardson, Lloyd, Edward Haynie, Melva Ware and Terry Werner "Summer Science Camp "Camp Triple E" Extend, Explore, Excel" The camp will operate for four weeks each summer during a three year period, as a non-residential day camp program. Enrollment each summer will be 50 students. The curriculum is inquiry-based. Students entering 7th, 8th and 9th grades will conduct one major group study and additional defined investigations at the St. Louis Zoo, Science Center and Botanical Garden. Campers and their parents will interact with practicing SEM professionals in career exploration activities. The rational for this curriculum approach is that all students should have the opportunity to be motivated by the scientific discovery process. Research (developing science projects--doing science) can tap into natural curiosity. This "doing" allows students to learn processes (how to investigate) that are fundamental to developing personal connection/commitment. Personal commitment is key to understanding content. (see "Curriculum Models Coming Into Focus", 2061 Today, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fall, 1991.) Camp Triple E will be based at Crossroads School which is located 1/4 mile from Forest Park ( a multi-acre park which houses the St. Louis Zoo, Art and History Museums, the Science Center and numerous recreational facilities for biking, hiking, skating, ball playing, etc.) The Crossroads School was selected because no St. Louis Public School buildings are air conditioned and none is equipped with adequate lab facilities. None of the cooperating colleges/institutions has adequate space/facilities for a program of the scope and duration of the summer camp. A description of the Crossroads school facilities is attached. Project Goal: The summer science camp is an essential activity is the St. Louis region for increasing access to mathematics-based careers for African, Hispanic and Native American students. The under-represented population in science in St. Louis is predominantly African-American. Camp Triple E will serve a critical function in the continuum of mathematics and science mastery/enrichment activities designed as the Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities (CRCM) "pipeline" supporting students' movement from middle-school to undergraduate school as SEM majors. ***