HRD-9711504 Beckman In recent years, through a variety of programs, the Houston Community College System (HCCS) has established a number of efforts designed to recruit and retain women, minorities, and students with disabilities. Despite the successes of such programs, the number of minority students completing their studies and transferring to senior colleges and universities falls far short of the nation s growing need for minorities trained in computer technologies. The faculty of the Houston Community College System Computer Science Department has planned a broad, ambitious program to attract more students from underrepresented groups to careers in computer science. Using successful models, the plan focuses on building an infrastructure of faculty and student support systems which will assure promising potential scholars an outstanding educational program and secure their entry into senior colleges and universities. Our proposed program will touch every sector of the college system and reach into the community we serve. The primary goal of the program is to increase the number of students from all underrepresented groups in the field of computer science, assist them to successfully complete their studies at the Houston Community College system, and facilitate their entry into a senior college or university. Underlying this goal is the intent to foster a fundamental change of philosophy throughout the Houston Community College System and the entire community. The comprehensive plan we have developed provides for the building of an infrastructure that will prepare faculty and students for the speed of technological change. The plan will require an infusion of upgraded hardware and software to help faculty prepare for these changes by revising and updating the curriculum yearly to meet the program s needs, to train faculty in current technical advances, and to meet the instructional needs of students brought into the program. The full program provides for re cruiting and retaining promising students from underrepresented groups who are interested in pursuing careers in computer science. The plan includes pre-college training, two-year training and education at the college level, and retention support programs such as tutoring, mentoring, counseling, and appropriate financial support.