Harrington, Melissa Morehouse College This proposal plans to develop research and educational opportunities in the neurosciences to enrich the academic preparation of students at Morehouse College, and stimulate interest in research as a career. To implement this objective we are planning to expand the role of neuroscience in the academic and research program at Morehouse college. First we will introduce a new undergraduate classes in neurobiology and developmental biology involving both lecture courses and investigative laboratories. The development of laboratory exercises for the courses will be a collaborative effort drawing on the experience of faculty at colleges and universities throughtout Atlanta. Establishing teaching laboratories in neurobiology and developmental biology will also require an investment in modern equipment and software. In addition to developing new laboratories, we plan to upgrade existing laboratory classes and facilities at Morehouse College in psychobiology, physiology, cell biology and molecular genetics. The new laboratories and modules we develop will use modern techniques and model systems to enhance the teaching potential of the labs by bringing the laboratory exercises closer to the experimental paradigms and techniques used in basics research.