This is a US-Russian collaborative research project that will explore the isospin dependence of fragmentation and spallation reactions produced in 1 GeV proton induced reactions. The principal investigator is Dr. ManYee B. Tsang from Michigan State University. Her Russian collaborators are Dr. Lyudmila Andronenko and Dr. Mikhail Andronenko from the St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute.
This project will take advantage of the unique capabilities of both research groups. The US group pioneers the isoscaling analysis and modeling while the Russian group has accumulated 1 GeV proton induced fragmentation and spallation data on many different isotope targets over the past decades. This collaboration will further understanding of the global nature of the isoscaling phenomenon and possible extraction of the symmetry terms in the Nuclear Equation of State.
This project in nuclear physics research fulfills the program objectives of bringing together leading experts in the U.S. and Central/Eastern Europe to combine complementary efforts and capabilities in areas of strong mutual interest and competence on the basis of equality, reciprocity, and mutuality of benefit.