This Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) award, jointly supported by the NSF and the Department of Energy (DOE), will take place 22 July - 4 August 2006 at the San Joaquin Campus of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile in Santiago, Chile on the topic of Analysis and Probability in Quantum Physics. Organized by Dr. Peter D. Hislop of the University of Kentucky, the first part of the Institute will consist of mini courses on modern topics in the mathematical physics of atoms and molecules, with an emphasis on the use of probability theory and analysis in modern mathematical physics, in areas such as random Schrodinger and wave operators, the stability of matter, and quantum transport theory. These courses, taught by leading researchers from the Americas, will be supplemented by short presentations by the students of their own research. Recruitment of participants will be done through a website developed for the PASI, newsletters, and professional societies.
The second part of the Institute will consist of an intensive workshop at the same location with leading researchers from around the world. This will provide the students with the opportunity to interact with researchers in a concentrated environment and, also, to obtain familiarity with the most recent developments in the field. Dissemination of the mini-course lectures and papers from the workshop will be done through the website and also through publications submitted to professional societies. The Institute aims to foster the development of young researchers in the Americas and promote further exchanges and collaborations between mathematicians in the hemisphere.