This award supports a planning visit to Taiwan to establish a collaboration with the Architecture and Systems research group of Professor Chung-ping Chung at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. The collaboration aims to design new computer architectures that can scale better than more traditional architectures for embedded and real-time applications. Embedded systems must be designed to be energy efficient; on the other hand, increasingly popular applications demand energy intensive computational capabilities. The PI has developed a scalable multithreaded computer architecture called Scheduled Dataflow (SDF) which helps achieve higher performance in this environment. The NCTU group has expertise in evaluating architectural alternatives for multimedia, video processing and other embedded applications. The proposed visit will permit the exchange of software tools and the training of graduate students on how to effectively use and extend these tools. Two graduate students from UNT will join the planning visit. A collaborative software tool will also be shared, permitting simultaneous work on software projects as well as remote participation in the collaboration by researchers and students who cannot travel.