OISE-0737907 (Paterson, Scott, University of Southern California) DDEP: Plumbing System Architecture and Vertical Evolution of Isotopic Tracers in a Continental Arc: Examination of a Tilted Crustal Section in Southern Mongolia
This award supports the doctoral dissertation research by Ms. Rita C. Economos, advanced graduate student in the PI's lab, with Dr. Ochir Gerel at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST). Ms. Economos' dissertation research focuses on the characterization of a previously unrecognized continuous tilted crustal section through the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and Gobi-Tienshan intrusive complex (GTIC) in southern Mongolia. This research makes use of this unique geology and the extensive expertise of Dr. Gerel in this area. This effort is expected to increase the data density of the Central Asian Orogenic System which will allow several hypothesis to be tested in regards to crustal genesis in the Paleozoic, tectonic evolution and juvenile mantle-derived arc magmatism.