US-Chile Workshop for Ocean Observation Systems, Valparaiso Chile, November 11-13, 2008
0758606 Vadus
This US-Chile award will support a workshop on ocean observation systems. The event will be held in Valparaiso, Chile on November 11 to 13, 2008. The workshop will be organized by Joseph Vadus of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers? Oceanic Engineering Society, Jerry Carroll of the Center for Naval Meteorology and Oceanography, and Juan Diaz and Sergio Salinas from the Escuela de Ciencias del Mar of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso in Chile. The meeting will serve as a forum to advance ideas and promote teaching in four areas: (1) oceanographic observation systems and modeling in the coastal ocean; (2) remote sensing of coastal environments; (3) observation and assessment of gas hydrates in the coastal ocean; and (4) seismic and tsunami observation for coastal warning.
The meeting will foster communication and contact between a diverse group of experts from government, industry, and academic sectors. As such, it is expected to advance partnerships in the areas of ocean observations and the protection and sustainable development of ocean resources. Particular emphasis will be placed on the participation and training of graduate students, postdoctorals, and other young researchers.