This award is made to National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) under the direction of Dr. Fred K. Lo, to organize a bilateral workshop on radio astronomy April 21-25, 2008 in Beijing. The goal of the workshop is to substantially strengthen the institutional and individual research ties in radio astronomy and engineering. The counterpart organizers are Dr. ZHAO, Gan, Deputy Director of the National Astronomical Observatory of China (NAOC), and Dr. XUE, Suijian of the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, both in Beijing, China. Specific topics to be covered include star and galaxy formation, the epoch of re-ionization and first galaxies, pulsar observations, to test strong field General Relativity and to detect gravitational wave radiation, compact objects and high-energy astrophysics, as well as technical subjects relevant to future new telescopes. The proposal includes two early-career scientists and one graduate student