The award provides funding for a workshop to critically review and discuss successful science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs, and the institutional, policy, programmatic, pedagogical and curricular lessons to be learned from the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) and Tribal College and Universities Undergraduate Program (TCUP) to inform Hispanics Serving institutions (HSIs). Minority Serving Institutions share similar issues, including having communities of underutilized talent with students often under-prepared to engage in higher education. HSIs can learn lessons from the two undergraduate focused programs as a means to increase the recruitment, retention, and graduation rates for Hispanic students pursing STEM degrees and careers, assist HSIs to strengthen their institutions, and innovate to better serve the Hispanic community and the nation. Recommendations from the workshop will aid the NSF?s efforts to broaden participation of all underrepresented minorities, and facilitate the development of a diverse and competitive STEM workforce for the 21st century as mandated by the America Competes Act.