Proposal Objectives: The primary objective of this U.S.-Hungary cooperative research project between Dr. Anthony Martonosi of the State University of New York Health Sciences Center and Dr. Janos Somogyi of Semmelweis University Medical School is to characterize the structure of a crystalline protein, Ca-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum. The researchers intend to obtain better resolution from two dimensional crystals and also obtain, for the first time, tri-dimensional crystals in order to better understand the molecular mechanism of this membrane protein which is essential to cell function. Relevance to Program Objectives: This project fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge in biophysics by enabling leading experts in the U.S. and Hungary to combine their complementary talents, pool resources, and share research facilities in areas of strong mutual interest and competence. Merit: The proposal ranks in the Excellent/Very Good category. Its technical merit therefore warrants NSF support. The U.S. and Hungarian researchers' professional credentials, resources, and facilities are well-regarded and the rationale for international cooperation is clearly articulated. Significant research results are expected as an outcome of this international cooperation. In particular, success in the solution of the three dimensional structure of the described protein would be a signal advance in the field. Interrelated Projects: Dr. Martonosi currently receives support for related domestic research from the NSF Biophysics Program under grant PCM-8403679. Funding: The requested budget covers the incremental costs to the U.S. of international cooperation associated with the research in accordance with program guidelines.