The primary objective of this U.S. Yugoslav cooperative research project between Vojko Antoncic of the University of Ljubljana's Institute of Sociology and Thomas Smith of the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center is to create a social indicators and regulators data set comparable to the General Social Survey (GSS) carried out in the United States by the University of Chicago. The GSS has been supported by NSF since 1972. Two surveys will be conducted in Yugoslavia: one on social microstructures social networks and support groups and a second in social equalities and inequalities. At first, Yugoslav respondents will be limited to the Republic of Slovenia, but it is expected that the survey will be extended to all of Yugoslavia. This is a significant project since collaboration with Yugoslavia will enable researchers to perform cross-national analyses and to test the same theoretical models in varying social contexts. West Germany and United Kingdom are participants as well, but Yugoslavia is the only socialist country in the survey. This project has been approved by the U.S.-Yugoslav Joint Board on Cooperation in Science and Technology and is funded through a joint fund consisting of matching contributions from the U.S. and Yugoslav governments. The U.S. contribution is provided annually by the Department of State and no NSF funds are involved. The grants are composed principally of Yugoslav dinars and made to the principal Yugoslav institute. Funds include travel for U.S. scientists to Yugoslavia and a modest dollar allowance for Yugoslav scientists' living expenses in the U.S.