Abstract Narrative Project Description: The objective of this Science in Developing Countries cooperative research proposal between Dr. Khalid Mahmood of The George Washington University and Dr. Ibrahim M. Elassiouti of Cairo University is to implement an exchange of scientific knowledge in the mechanics of alluvial channels between the U.S. and Egypt. Dr. Elassiouti has developed a mathematical model to predict the channel bed degradation occuring in the River Nile as a consequence of the High Aswan Dam. This proposed research will cover the testing and improvement of hydralic, sedimentation and morphologic relations developed by George Washington University research in the alluvial channel research accomplished in Pakistan and their incorporation in the Egyptian model. This improved and advanced model will be applied to the historic data for the River Nile for both the pre- and post-dam periods. Project Significance: This research will provide the opportunity to further the development of international expertise relevant to the alluvial channel problems in Egypt. Those channels are undergoing changes due to the curtailment of sediment load by the High Aswan Dam. Changes in the Nile River channel and the Egyptian canal system in the degradation of the river bed and the instability of the canal banks are already occurring. Similar problems are being experienced in Pakistan with the building of storage dams on the rivers of that country. As other countries in the world build storage dams to firm up base flows of their rivers, these problems will undoubtedly occur again and again. This research on the Nile, when interrelated with the alluvial channel research accomplished in Pakistan, will provide both U.S. and Egypt scientists enhanced scientific results to address the problems of water resources and waterway systems in their countries and as needed in other countries of the world.