Objectives and Relevancy: This project supports a U.S.-India binational workshop on science and technology of glass, planned for January 24-29, 1988 at the Indian Institute of Science (IIS) in Bangalore, India. The workshop will have several objectives: exchange of information on recent advances in the field; generate outlines of joint research programs on problems of common interest; and stimulate greater emphasis on research on amorphouis materials in India. It is anticipated that the proceedings containing invited and contributed papers will be published. The objectives of the workshop fit those of the U.S.-India program in stimulating collaboration in areas of interest to the two countries. Merit: The need for this workshop was identified during the XIV International Congress on Glasses which was held in New Delhi in March 1986. The use of glass, ceramics, and amorphous materials is fast becoming essential for many applications in communication and energy , as well as other electrical and mechanical applications. It is likely that the workshop will help link some of the few leading scienists in this area in India with those in the U.S. in future research projects, to the benefit of the two countries. The U.S. and the Indian organizers are well qualified to direct the planned meeting. Funding: None other than this action.