The primary objective of this three-year U.S.-Yugoslav cooperative research project in coordination chemistry between Dasan Radanovic Svetozar Markovic University, Kragujevac, Yugoslavia and Bodie E. Douglas, University of Pittsburgh, is to use circular dichroism (CD) (crystals) as a stereochemical probe in order to obtain more information about the structure and function of certain metal ions in enzymes important to the optical activity. Past collaboration has resulted in numerous parallel and joint publications. The crystal samples will be developed by Dr. Radanovic's research group. The analytical work will take place at the University of Pittsburgh. This grant was approved by the U.S.-Yugoslav Joint Board on Cooperation in Science and Technology and is funded through a joint fund consisting of matching contributions from the U.S. and Yugoslav governments. The U.S. contribution is provided annually by the Department of State. No NSF funds are involved. Grants are made to the principal Yugoslav institute. Dollar funds are included for U.S. scientist travel to Yugoslavia and for Yugoslav scientists' living expenses in the U.S.