In this U.S.-Yugoslav cooperative research project in biochemistry between Biserka Kojic-Prodic of the Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Zagreb and William L. Duax of the Medical Foundation of Buffalo, the investigators will study the regulatory action of a plant growth hormone, auxin (or idoleacetic acid), at the whole plant, cellular and molecular levels. Compounds and deriatives of idoleacetic acid will be synthesized or isolated from natural sources; analyzed for structural and chemical properties, and correlated with the plant's biological activity. The Yugoslav group is particularly expert at synthesis and structural analysis while the U.S. group is reknown for its work in structure-activity chemistry. The research is significant and is expected to yield new information about receptors, enzymes, and the structure of auxin and its relationship to hormonal activity, in particular. This project was approved by the U.S.-Yugoslav Joint Board on Cooperation in Science and Technology and is supported through a joint fund consisting of matching contributions from the governments of the United States and Yugoslavia. The U.S. contribution is provided annually by the Department of State. No NSF funds are involved. Grants are made to the principal scientific institution in Yugoslavia, but include dollar funds for U.S. scientist travel to Yugoslavia and for Yugoslav scientists' living expenses in the U.S.