This project supports participation by eight U. S. scientists in a workshop for development of a program of cooperative research in computer science. The workshop is to be held in Hyderabad, India where the host organization, the CMC Limited, has its Research and Development Center. CMC is a Government of India Enterprise focusing on electronics, computer science and communications. The workshop will address areas of common interest to the two countries' scientists, including: artificial intelligence; computer vision; software engineering; networks; computer architecture; and software systems. The workshop will also discuss the most suitable areas for productive collaboration and the mechanisms of collaboration. A workshop report will be produced and disseminated in the U. S. and India. Visits by participants to specific Indian research facilities will be made to enhance the development of working relationships. Scope: The rapid development of computer applications and the revolution in information handling and utilization including new areas such as artificial intelligence and computer vision are recognized by scientists in the U. S. and in India. The Government of India is placing great emphasis on making rapid advances in this field, especially in software systems and software engineering. It is highly likely that a strong match between the U. S. and Indian research interests exists and that good cooperative research activities would result from this project.