This project supports visits by two U.S. scientists from the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and Mississippi State University to major Indian research institutes for development of a cooperative program in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The areas to be discussed include: a) evaluation of solution algorithms from various different application areas in CFD; b) adaption of existing schemes to concurrent computers, and in areas of domain decomposition, computational Green's function methods, and extension of fast Poisson solvers to more general problems; c) hybrid and cross fertilization of existing grid generation methods; d) adaptive or moving grid systems; and e) evaluation of existing software and development of more advanced software for proper visualization and interpretation of flow field properties. Scope: The topic of updating algorithms to take advantage of major advances in computer architecture, is an important one. The capabilities in computer technology and computation in the U.S. as in the case of the Consortium for Computational Fluid Dynamics at UAH, can be complemented by the analytical and mathematical capabilities in the top academic and research institutes in India. This project will focus primarily on the Drs. S. M. Deshpandy and N. M. Reddy of the aeronautical Engineering Department. Additional visits will be made to the Indian Institutes of Technology in Bombay and Delhi. The collaborative projects to be developed, could lead to participation by U.S. universities other than UAH, and to improvement in the use of CFD in modeling and investigating three-dimensional flows associated with realistic aerodynamic propulsion configurations.