The primary objective of this U.S.-Hungary cooperative research project between Dr. Kenneth Showalter of West Virginia University and Dr. M.T. Beck of Kossuth Lojos University, Debrecen, is to investigate the oscillatory iodate ion oxidation of sulfite and ferrocyanide ions. Efforts will involve characterization and systematic examination of major component processes of this reaction: (1) the direct reaction between iodate and sulfite, (2) the iodine oxidation of ferrocyanide, (3) the triiodide and iodine oxidation of sulfite, and (4) the direct reaction between iodate and ferrocyanide. After classical chemical kinetics studies of these four processes, the researchers will pursue experimental and theoretical studies of the dynamical behavior of the oscillatory reaction. Results should lead to development of an accurate model description of the oscillatory reaction mechanism. This project in physical chemistry fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge by enabling experts in the United States and Eastern Europe to combine complementary talents and pool research resources in areas of strong mutual interest and competence.