This award supports cooperative research in the biochemistry of food proteins. The work will be conducted by John Whitaker of the University of California at Davis along with his counterpart scientist, Valdemiro Sgarbieri of the University of Campinas in Brazil. Proteins derived from common beans have a relatively low nutritional quality because of low digestibility and low levels of an essential amino acid, methionine. These qualities are further reduced by improper storage conditions. This work will provide a better understanding of the role of protease (protein enzymes) and a-amylase inhibitors as antinutritive factors and the basis of methionine loss in storage. A major benefit to the nutrition of Brazil and other countries in the world, including the U.S., will result from increased nutritive value of cultivated beans. In addition, increased understanding of the nature and properties of bean proteins and the factors and mechanisms that influence those properties will, in the future, permit a more rapid upgrading of this food material important to both countries. The investigators have worked productively together. This work will extend a fruitful collaboration.