This proposal for the participation of five U.S. scientists in an international workshop in the natural sciences and their methodology to be held in Lima, Peru, August 10-18 1989, is sponsored by NSF as part of the Science in Developing Countries Program, in conjunction with Queens College of CUNY, and the Peruvian National Council for Science and Technology (CONCYTEC-Peru). Funding for participants from other countries is coming from ICSU/UNESCO and a variety of international and national research organizations and universities. This multiple discipline workshop in selected topic in physics, biology, and the foundations of science, aims at stimulating new professional contacts among scientists from the US, Peru, and other countries who share common research interests. Peruvian participants will be selected with the help of CONCYTEC-Peru. The object is to provide Peruvian faculty with an up-dated picture of today's increasingly inter-connected scientific view of the natural world, with emphasis on improved approaches to the teaching of general courses at the college level mathematics and the natural sciences. Sciences to be covered include; biology; biochemistry; physics; evolutionary studies; science education; mathematics; behavioral studies; artificial intelligence; astronomy; and philosophy and history of science.