This award provides partial support for a long term research visit to Finland by Professor James M. Anderson of the University of California, Berkeley. He will spend a sabbatical with Professor Einari Kilpela at the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Helsinki University of Technology. They will collaborate in a joint project to test and calibrate a solid-state video camera system for applica- tions in engineering measurements. Both investigators have extensive experience in photogrammetry and have been working recently to calibrate and use solid state camera systems. The U.S. group has worked on a miniature array camera for medical applications and video camera systems for studying freeway traffic flow. The Finnish group has recently focused on efforts to calibrate a computer vision system of solid state array cameras for industrial applications. Both groups have concluded that the sensors have systematic radiometric and geometric errors that are not fully understood and that profoundly affect the results obtained. The objectives of the collaboration are to calibrate the camera system for engineering measurements and to develop an improved mathematical model to compensate for systematic sensor errors. This work is a prerequisite to successful application of these cameras to real problems in engineering measurements. Among the potential applications for this system are the determination of vehicle trajectories and velocities at freeway on-ramps, the evaluation of pavement roughness, the determination of shape and size of industrial objects such as car bodies, and the revision and updating of topographic maps.