This award supports Dr. Erhard W. Rothe of Wayne State University for several trips to Goettingen, Germany, to collaborate in chemical physics research with Dr. Peter Anderson of the Max Planck Institute for Flow Research. They are studying interactions of pulsed ultraviolet laser light with molecules. One set of experiments they will carry out involves laser preparation of single quantum states and study of their subsequent interactions with molecules and/or with other laser light. This requires the use of three lasers on the same experiment. The second type of research is more applied and involves a new method, developed at the Max Planck Institute, for laser analysis of combustion involving laser.induced predissociative fluorescence (LIPF). Much remains to be done to make a quantitative analysis system for a large number of species. This will be the subject of joint effort. This collaboration offers the possibility of enhancing automotive combustion diagnostics in the Detroit area through direct experience with highly competent and well equipped German collaborators. Lasers offer many desirable features for application to chemical diagnostics. They have high intensity, narrow band.width, fast pulses and coherence. The light is easily manipulated and focussed with mirrors and lenses. Appropriate combinations of such desirable properties can be readily exploited. LIPF offer the particular advantage that it can be quantitatively and simply used at atmospheric and higher pressures, such as those that exist, for example, with atmospheric flames or with internal combustion. Such techniques are particularly promising when combined detector and computer technologies are applied to combustion. These should, for example, lead to optimization of fuels and minimization of pollutants by appropriate control and feedback technology. Such quick, accurate and simple techniques are applicable to a variety of commercial processes, including low and high temperature turbulent environments.