This is a two.year collaborative project between Declan F. Keane of Kent State University and Liu Yiming of the Harbin Institute of Technology. The project is sponsored by NSF and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. This is a project involving the resources of the newly.established heavy ion research group at the Harbin Institute of Technology to analyze existing data from experiments at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's BEVALAC accelerator. The goal of the project is to attain a better understanding of nuclear matter that is far from its equilibrium state, an objective that has been identified as top priority in the subfield of nuclear physics. The proposed work will include interpretations of results using collision simulation codes based on the most recent developments in nuclear transport theory. Much of the work will be conducted using a dedicated computer facility at the Harbin institute. The Chinese researchers will re.analyze existing BEVALAC data containing multi.particle correlation information for both pions and nucleons. Based on the Hanbury.Brown Twiss (HBT) effect, the correlation function or relative momentum distributions can be used to extract the spacial extent of the source of these particles.