This award provides support for the participation of ten US scientists in a joint US-Japan seminar on "Basic Mechanisms of Helium Heat Transfer and Related Influence on Stability of Superconducting Magnets." The interactions between helium heat transfer and superconducting magnets are of great importance and interest right now. In spite of the progress that is being made with high temperature superconductors, liquid or supercritical helium cooled superconductors will still be used in large-scale projects such as the Super- conducting Super Collider (SSC) for some time to come. By bringing together scientists from different magnet stabilty and heat transfer projects in the US and Japan, this seminar should enable participants to make considerable contributions to both subjects. The seminar will be held August 26-30, 1991 in Los Angeles, CA. The co-organizers are Professor T H K Frederking, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles and Professor Takehiro Ito, Kyushu University, Japan. Specific topics to be discussed at the seminar include (1) basic mechanisms of helium heat transfer; (2) stability criteria of superconductors and procedures to analyze conductor-coolant coupled transient phenomena; and (3) priorities in various areas of cooling technology. This is the second seminar on this subject, the first being held in 1988. There have been considerable developments in this area since the first joint seminar held in Fukuoka, Japan in 1988 and this seminar should build upon and extend the scientific cooperation established at that time.