This two-year award supports U.S.-France cooperative research in mantle geochemistry between Paul McMillan and Charles Angell of Arizona State University (ASU) and J.P. Coutoures of the Center for High Temperature Physics in Orleans, France. The objective of their research is to investigate the structural properties of aluminosilicate liquids and glasses, using a combination of high temperature and solid state NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, Raman scattering, and MD (molecular dynamics) simulation. The ASU group brings to this collaboration experience in vibrational spectroscopy and Raman scattering of minerals, glasses and liquids. This is complemented by the French investigators' innovative research using ultra-high temperature NMR in liquids. Aluminosilicates are found in the Earth's upper mantle. Knowledge of the structure-property relationship of aluminosilicates is essential to our understanding of dynamic processes and composition of the Earth and other planets. These high pressure and temperature studies will allow researchers to simulate the melting and transition process under conditions representative of the Earth's upper mantle.