This award will support the participation by nine U.S. scientists in a U.S.-Japan Seminar on Electronic Structure and Fermiology of High-Tc Superconductors to be held July 27-29, 1992 in Sendai, Japan. The co-organizers are Professor Arun Bansil, Physics Department, Northeastern University, Boston, and Professor Takashi Takahashi, Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. The purpose of the seminar is to bring together U.S. and Japanese scientists to discuss the nature of electronic states in the high-temperature superconductors at and near the Fermi energy. There is considerable activity in both countries in this rapidly developing area of research and this seminar will provide an opportunity for reviewing the status of the field and identifying new directions of research. The seminar will bring together theorists and experimentalists on both the U.S. and Japanese sides. The technical sessions will focus on dHvA experiments, photoemission, positron annihilation, optical studies, tunneling and NMR, and Raman and other studies.