This U.S.- Poland cooperative research project is between Dr. James R. Anderson of the University of Maryland, College Park, and Prof. Robert R. Galazka and Dr. Andrzej Mycielski of the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. The researchers will investigate magnetism and magnetotransport in some of the new types of diluted magnetic semiconductors. They will investigate the narrow-gap materials, Hg1-x- yMnxCdyTe and A1-xRxB (where A belongs to group IV of the Periodic Table of the Elements, B belongs to group VI, and R is a rare earth), and the wide-gap systems, C1-xMxD (where C is either Cd or Zn, M is a magnetic ion such as Co, Fe, or a rare earth, and D belongs to group VI of the Periodic Table). These materials will be prepared primarily by the modified Bridgman technique. Magnetization measurements will be used to examine the antiferromagnetic exchange interactions among magnetic ions and to look for spin-glass and ferromagnetic behavior. When combined with magnetooptical studies, the magnetization measurements will be used to determine the interactions between the magnetic ions and the carriers. Magnetotransport measurements will be used to investigate carrier scattering in diluted magnetic semiconductor systems. This project in physics fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge by enabling leading experts in the United States and Eastern Europe to combine complementary talents and pool resources in areas of strong mutual interest and competence.