The Washington University Departments of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Physics have entered into a cross disciplinary program that seeks to advance the state of modern materials research at the University. Modern materials science requires that traditional disciplinary boundaries be broached and that researchers from a range of core areas join together to focus on modern material problems such as the design and control of nanostructure, and novel processing and fabrication strategies. Although Washington University has an ongoing interdisciplinary materials science effort, critical infrastructural deficiencies exist. The present conditions in the materials chemistry laboratories are hazardous and unsuitable for modern chemistry. This award will provide funding for the renovation of synthetic laboratory space that is used entirely for research and research training activities. Renovations will include substantial hood space needed for the conduction of synthetic procedures critical to developing new experimental materials with novel and important properties. A single network of continuous ducting with vertical risers will provide the laboratories with proper ventilation and a safe environment for studnets and staff. Open modular work spaces will be provided to promote interaction among colleagues. Modern interdisciplinary material research will become a strong and thriving enterprise with revitalized facilities.