This two-year award supports U.S.-France cooperative research in high energy particle physics between Gerard M. Crawley of the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University and S. Gales of the Nuclear Physics Institute, Orsay, France. Both research groups will conduct joint, complementary experiments on decay studies of high lying single particle states and giant resonances. The understanding of the structure of high lying states in the nucleus will be enhanced significantly through studies on particle decay. The investigators will conduct experiments at Michigan State University and at GANIL facility in France on the following topics: (1) structure of high lying states observed in heavy ion transfer reactions; (2) proton decay of Gamow-Teller and other states in heavy nuclei; and (3) the existence and properties of the giant isovector monopole resonance. This cooperation takes advantage of unique U.S. and French expertise and facilities. High beam energies, which are necessary for all of the experiments, are available at Michigan State's National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. The GANIL facilities in Caen, France, composed of three connected cyclotrons, a unique spectrometer, and neutron detector array, are available together with French expertise, to carry out the complex experiment on giant resonances.