This project will support the participation of a U.S. scientific delegation in a symposium to be held in Bangalore, India, August 8-13, 1993. The symposium "Pollination Biology in the Tropics" would review recent advances and bring together scientists working on various aspects of pollination. specific attention is to be paid to conservation and management of pollinator populations and to problems in the pollination of tropical crops. The following sessions will be held: flower biology in reaction to pollination; insect behavior in relation to pollination; pollination by insects and other animals in natural communities; insect pollination in commercial production of seeds and fruits; pollination problems in tropical crops; conservation and management of pollinating insects; and population dynamics of pollinators. Participation is expected from countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the U.S. A book covering extended abstracts of the presentation will be available in the meeting. Scope: This project addresses a number of scientific objectives including disseminating and increasing availability of pollination especially in the tropical environment, increasing interaction of scientists from the U.S. with those from other countries in Asia, and exposing young U.S. scientists to researchers in India in the same field of interest.