9307614 Soom Description: This project supports the participation of a U.S. delegation in the first Heat and Mass Transfer Conference organized jointly be the Indian Society of Heat and Mass Transfer (ISHMT) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME). The conference will be held at the Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) in Bombay between January 5 and 7, 1994. The American scientists are expected to participate in panel discussions on research and graduate education in the U.S. and India, and on university-industry cooperative research in the two countries. They will also conduct a symposium on modern developments in boiling and condensation, and will present state-of -the- art review lectures on topics of emerging technologies. They will give courses on experimental methods in heat transfer, heat transfer in manufacturing and material processing, and thermal resistance in electronic systems. The U.S. scientists plan to selectively visit Indian research institutes including BARC and four of the Indian Institutes of Technology. Scope: This project will help develop close ties between researchers in the U.S. and India for exchange of technical information and for conducting cooperative research projects of mutual interest. This meeting in India is similar to others organized by the ASME with counterpart organizations in China, South Korea, Japan and Europe. India has a very strong community of researchers in this particular field of heat and mass transfer, and it is likely that the U.S. participants will benefit from attending this conference. ***