This proposal, "Developing Mathematics Information Centers in the Former Soviet Union ?FSU!," to be performed by the American Mathematical Society ?AMS! (Dr. Susan Friedlander, Principal Investigator ?PI!), will expand its existing efforts to assist the development of mathematics infrastructure by directly aiding mathematics libraries in the FSU and establishing mathematics information centers in areas of highly concentrated mathematical activity. The AMS Advisory Committee, which has been coordinating current AMS initiatives in this area, funded by donations from AMS members and a matching Sloan Foundation grant, would provide oversight for this program. The Advisory Committee obtains advice from consultants it has organized in Russia and Ukraine, from expatriate FSU scholars resident in the U.S., and from the various Divisions of the Society. In addition, the PI and co-PI's are very knowledgeable about current needs of the mathematics community in the FSU, as well as existing and planned efforts to aid science in the FSU. This award provides support to demonstrate the effectiveness of establishing mathematics information centers and aiding 22 libraries throughout the FSU by distributing current mathematical journals and books. The goal of this AMS program is to promote scientific interchange between U.S. scientists and their counterparts in the FSU, and to establish and foster a capability for mathematicians within the fSU to network and communicate, and to form and expand alliances within a professional society framework for their common benefit. ***