9312438 Edil Technical Narrative: This U.S.-Turkey collaborative research project involving civil engineers from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and Yildez University in Istanbul, Turkey will address a fundamental infrastructural problem, that is, prediction and mitigation of excessive settlement resulting from construction and rehabilitation of earth structures founded on soft ground. Long-term field settlement data are very and difficult to collect and consequently are very scarce. Such data have been collected in connection with the construction of Alibey Dam in Turkey since 1969. The objective of this project is to use the Alibey Dam data in analyzing long-term settlement of soft ground. Project funding will enable Dr. K. Ozaydin and Mr. S. Ozcoban of Yildiz University to work with Dr. T. Edil at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Additionally, Dr. Edil will visit Dr. Ozaydin's laboratory and work with his team at the dam site. Successful completion of this effort is expected to verify the validity of certain new concepts of soft ground compression and contribute to the world literature on the subject. This project in civil engineering fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge by enabling leading experts in the United States and Turkey to combine complementary talents and pool research resources in areas of strong mutual interest and competence. ***