9315278 Cane This award supports the participation of 14 U.S. scientists and engineers in a U.S.-Japan Seminar on Biosynthesis of Natural Products -- From Pathways to Genes to Products, scheduled for June 1994 in Hakone, Japan. The co- organizers are Professor David Cane, Department of Chemistry, Brown University, and Professor Katsumi Kakinuma, Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. In addition to senior scientist, the seminar will bring together promising junior investigators and graduate students from both countries. This is the fourth is a series of seminars on this topic. Previous seminars have had a profound impact of the development of research on biosynthesis in the two countries. The broadening interdisciplinary scope of the field of natural product biosynthesis has made these seminars increasingly important as a means of bringing together scientists from different disciplines, particularly bioorganic chemists, enzymologists, and molecular biologists. Participants have been selected from a wide range of academic laboratories and research institutes, national laboratories, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology research laboratories in both countries. The interactions between senior investigators and the next generation of scientists will ensure the continued vitality of this field. This seminar is also being supported by the National Science Foundation's Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences and the Division of Chemistry. ***