9408147 Kashket This Americas Program award will support Prof. Eva Kashket, Boston University, in a research collaboration with Prof. Dolly Montoya, Biotechnology Institute, National University of Colombia, Bogota. The overall objective of the research is to enhance the production of the valuable fermentation end products, n-butanol and hydrogen by Clostridium acetobutylicum, with the goal of finding a cost- effective way of utilizing renewable biomass, instead of petrochemical sources, for the fermentation process. Enhancement of hydrogen production will be sought by isolating mutants of the C. acetobutylicum deficient in butanol and acetone production; the mechanism of butanol resistance will be determined by studying resistance of membrane function and composition to butanol. The proposed research will be of fundamental importance to understanding how microorganisms survive under stress of membrane-damaging solvents in the environment. Isolation and cloning of butanol- tolerant mutants will be an important achievement. The biotechnology industry will benefit greatly by the development of improved technologies for conversion of biomass to commercial solvents, such as acetone and butanol. In countries where excess biomass is available, the clostridial process would be of benefit to the economy and also to the environment.It should prove useful to the biotechnology industry, particularly in the area of industrial fermentation processes. ***