9412821 Fornaess This award supports dissertation enhancement in mathematics and travel to France of Gregery Buzzard, a graduate student of Jon- Erik Fornaess at the University of Michigan. Mr. Buzzard will collaborate with leading French mathematicians in the field of complex dynamical systems at the University of Paris (Sud), Orsay. The visit takes advantage of his thesis advisor's long- standing collaboration with French mathematicians, Nessim Sibony, Michael Herman, and Jean-Christophe Yoccoz. Mr. Buzzard's primary research interest is in complex analysis of several variables and in dynamics in several complex variables. He plans to study the density of hyperbolic dynamics of polynomials in higher dimensions. The University of Paris is considered an international center of activity in complex dynamics. The exposure to a new (French) perspective will advance Mr. Buzzard's research and establish a foundation for future collaboration with this group. ***