Seidel This three-year award supports U.S.-Spain cooperative research in advanced methods for 3D numerical relativity between the relativity group at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois and the relativity group at the University of the Balearic Islands in Spain. These groups will develop numerical codes to explore aspects of general relativity using a new mathematical formulation of the Einstein equations. This formulation permits application to the Einstein equations sophisticated numerical techniques, based on the harmonic time slicing condition, that will allow for a more accurate numerical solution to these equations than has been possible. The NCSA group will benefit by drawing from the UIB group's expertise on this advanced formulation of the Einstein equations and appropriate numerical methods. The UIB group's access to NCSA resources and expertise will permit the UIB group to develop and test numerical algorithms and attack physical problems, such as the 3D numerical study of pure gravitational waves and black holes. Together these groups will be able to build a 3D numerical code capable of solving physical problems with unprecedented accuracy.